Answers about water.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Water: Drink At Your Own Risk

When discussing water quality and water safety issues, the prevailing question is, Is bottled drinking water safe?

Water treatment companies and bottled water services are not exactly forthcoming with water testing procedures and test results for our drinking water. We take baths and showers, brush our teeth, wash our food and dishes with this water and often take health safety for granted. However, with a water purifier for our homes we have more control over the quality of our drinking water which is of utmost importance considering that recent studies by the Natural Resources Defense Council found bottled drinking water is laced with chemicals that leach from the plastic bottles.

The bottled drinking water industry is pushed by big profits. If your bottled water service can make you believe their water is clean and safe it increases profits. How do they get us to believe this? In one word…advertising. Bottled water services advertise their bottled drinking water as being clean and pure, usually from some remote moutaintop spring. Here’s an interesting fact- there are no federal regulations that govern bottled drinking water quality or safety. Regulations only apply if the product is transported across state lines. Therefore some bottled water services bottle and transport their so-called “remote mountaintop spring” water within state lines to avoid the regulatory laws.

And, furthermore, there are no requirements by law or regulations that bottled drinking water must be safer than regular tap water! Isn’t that the whole point in drinking bottled water- because we desire a safer alternative to tap water? Basically, bottled drinking water could be plain tap water in a bottle!

Under these circumstances, a water purifier or water ionizer starts to look pretty good, and make a lot of sense. A water purifier can be more economical in the long run by eliminating the dependency on bottled drinking water. How much money do you spend on bottled drinking water every month- whether delivered by a bottled water service or store bought? That was an expense that added up to a big chunk of change at my house.

Most importantly, a water purifier gives you the peace of mind in knowing that you and your family are drinking the purest, safest water available. No more guessing about something that is vital to health and wellness. Clean, pure water is a major factor in the prevention of disease and illness. Every toxic chemical that we use and flush down the drain, inevitably ends up in the water we drink, bathe, and brush our teeth with. Water treatment companies only remove a fraction of these toxic chemicals and visible sediments. They then add chlorine to “kill off” whatever bacteria or parasites might be left. Chlorine is toxic to the immune system!

Bottom line, a home water purification is the best form of health insurance we can get. It’s effective and economical. It’s time to take responsibility for our health and ensure that we are promoting wellness- not setting ourselves up for disease.

Make your water safe and clean!

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